Widening and strengthening to two lane with paved shoulder from Km 59/594 to 60/042 on NH- 220 |
₹40.00 |
₹40.00 |
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4laning of Badvel to Nellore sec of NH67 in AP on HAM PKGII |
₹40.00 |
₹40.00 |
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Restoration work of road cutting from Km. 414.00 to 416.500 of NH91 |
₹40.00 |
₹40.00 |
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Construction of Four Lane Dimapur - Kohima Road |
₹30.00 |
₹30.00 |
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One Time Improvement from Km 56.140 to 102.920 of NH-158 |
₹40.00 |
₹40.00 |
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Annual Ordinary Repair of Akajan-Likabali-Bame Section |
₹30.00 |
₹30.00 |
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CONSTRUCTION OF LVUP AND VUP AT KM 64/355, 81/400 AND 103/320 ON NH 58 |
₹40.00 |
₹40.00 |
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